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Telltale Signs of HVAC Duct Damage

January 28, 2022

The HVAC duct system plays a critical role in efficient heating and cooling. The ductwork supplies different parts of the house with fresh air and channels stale air back to the HVAC system. Thus, damaged ductwork requires repair to restore the HVAC efficiency. Below are some signs that might mean ductwork damage.

Debris Around Air Vents

Ideally, the air that flows out of your supply vents or registers should be clean. After all, such air comes from the HVAC system, where the filter cleans it. If dirty air comes out of the vents, you can be certain it picked up most of the dirt from the ductwork.

Thus, you should be worried if you notice dust and debris around the vents. Such debris usually appears if the duct that connects to the vent has suffered damage, such as a disconnection that allows air to infiltrate it. Such unfiltered air will enter your ductwork along with debris.

Impaired Heating and Cooling

Duct damage leads to impaired heating and cooling if the damages trigger heat losses or air infiltration. For example, during the cold season:

  • Cracks in the ductwork can lose warm air, leaving the affected parts of the house cooler than other parts
  • Warm air flowing inside the duct channels can lose its heat to their immediate environments if something has damped the duct insulation
  • Crashed ductwork can reduce warm airflow to some parts of the house

All these issues will leave some parts of your house colder than others.

Increased Duct Noises

You should also suspect damage if the ductwork is noisier than usual. Typical causes of duct noises include:

  • Expansion and contraction of duct materials due to temperature fluctuations
  • Movement of duct channels with loose attachments
  • Movement of air out of the duct channels due to disconnections, cracks, or holes

Duct noises due to expansions and contractions are normal. The other noises are not normal and point to duct damage.

Unexplained Respiratory Problems

Air should flow from the HVAC system to your rooms without external contamination, but that is not always the case. Damages to the duct material will allow contaminants to enter the duct system and circulate in the house.

The contaminants can include mold, dead animals, and dust. These contaminates foul up your indoor air and affect your respiratory health. The elderly or those with chronic health problems are often more susceptible to such health problems than others. For example, asthma sufferers might suffer flare-ups, and those who are allergic to the contaminants might develop allergic reactions.

Visible Duct Imperfections

Few people inspect their ductworks. However, even a cursory visual inspection of the ductwork can reveal physical damages. Such signs of damage include tangled ducts, crushed ducts, visible cracks, and disconnected duct joints. Aging, physical impacts (for example, from fallen tree branches), and restricted airflow can cause such damages.

Increased Energy Bills

Lastly, several HVAC problems can cause increased energy bills, including duct damages. Discover some ways duct damages can increase energy consumption:

  • Loss of fresh air from duct disconnections
  • Loss of heat from damaged duct insulation
  • Infiltration of cold air into the ductwork

Such things lead to impaired heating and cooling, which forces the HVAC system to increase its output. The increased output leads to increased energy consumption. Thus, the HVAC will consume more energy than usual but still struggle to maintain comfortable temperatures.

Many forms of HVAC issues, including duct repairs, require professional input. Preferred Mechanical Services is a professional HVAC company with years in the industry. We handle new installations, repairs, and maintenance. Contact us for all your duct or general HVAC needs today.

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